Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Revised LLL Constitution For Review

Constitution and Bylaws of the Iowa District East of the
International Lutheran Laymen’s League

February 26, 2013
Article I – Name
The name of this Organization shall be Iowa District East of the International Lutheran Laymen’s League.
Article II – Purposes
The purpose of this Organization shall be those of the International Lutheran Laymen’s League of which it is a part. The International Lutheran Laymen’s League is located in St. Louis, Missouri.
Article III – Membership
Any communicant member of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod residing within Iowa District East of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod who subscribes to the purposes set forth in the Constitution of the International Lutheran Laymen’s League shall be eligible for membership in this organization.
Article IV- Officers and District Board
1. The officers of this organization shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
2. The management of the affairs of the Organization shall be vested in a District organization and administered through a Board of Directors consisting of the Officers of the District, three At-Large Board members, the Zone President(s), the Pastoral Advisor, the Project Chairmen, and the immediate Past President.
3. All Board Members shall be elected from the membership of the Organization.
Article V – Pastoral Advisor
1. The District shall have a Pastoral Advisor who shall be appointed by the League’s District President, subject to the approval of the Directors of the Iowa District East of the International Lutheran Laymen’s League. The Pastoral Advisor shall be a pastor of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod who shall have been approved by the President of the Synodical District in which this Lutheran Laymen’s League District is geographically situated, and shall be a member of the International Lutheran Laymen’s League. The term of the office of the Pastoral Advisor shall be two years.
2. The District shall have an Assistant Pastoral Advisor who shall be appointed by the League’s District President, subject to the approval of the Directors of the Iowa District East of the International Lutheran Laymen’s League. The Assistant Pastoral Advisor shall be a pastor of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod who shall have been approved by the President of the Synodical District in which this Lutheran Laymen’s League district is geographically situated, and shall be a member of the International Lutheran Laymen’s League. The term of the office of the Assistant Pastoral Advisor shall be two years. He will then succeed to the position of Pastoral Advisor for one additional two-year term.
3. The Pastoral Advisor and/or Assistant Pastoral Advisor shall be present at meetings of the District Board of Directors. If both are present at a meeting, only the Pastoral Advisor shall have a vote on the Board. The Pastoral Advisor and/or Assistant Pastoral Advisor shall give spiritual counsel and guidance to the district, particularly at meetings of the District Board of Directors and at District Conventions. They shall promote the cause of the International Lutheran Laymen’s League among fellow clergy.
Article VI – Meetings
The Organization shall convene at least once each year for purposes of transacting its business.
Article VII – Amendments
This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote at any regular convention of the District provided that notice of proposed changes are published in Iowa District East newsletters (e.g. IDE TODAY) or through communications with Iowa District East congregations who would distribute this information in their newsletters or bulletins at least 40 days prior to the convention. Amendments to the Bylaws may be made at a regular Convention without previous notice.
Article VIII – Order of Precedence
In the event there is a conflict between the Iowa District East Constitution and Bylaw and that of the International Lutheran Laymen’s League Constitution and Bylaws, the International Lutheran Laymen’s League Constitution and Bylaws shall prevail.
Article IX –Distribution of Assets in the event of Dissolution
In the event that the Iowa District East Lutheran Laymen’s League is dissolved, all assets shall become the property of the International Lutheran Laymen’s League of St. Louis, Missouri.
Article X – Bylaws
The affairs of the Iowa District East of the International Lutheran Laymen’s League shall be governed by such Bylaws as may be adopted. These Bylaws shall in no way conflict with the Constitution of the International Lutheran Laymen’s League or the tenets of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Such Bylaws may be adopted or modified by a majority vote at any District Convention.
Article I – Elections
1. All Roll Call members attending a District Convention shall be eligible to vote in all elections.
2. The decision of the Nominating/Election Committee Chairman shall be final in all matters pertaining to the election.
Article II – Terms and Duties of Elected Officials
1. The President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall serve two-year terms or until their successors have been elected and qualified. At-Large elected members of the Board of Directors shall serve three-year terms.
2. The President and Vice-President shall be elected in odd number years, the Secretary and Treasurer in even-numbered years and one At-Large Board member each year.
3. An individual may not be elected to the same office for more than two successive terms but may be re-elected after one intervening election. Partial terms served shall not be considered when determining eligibility for re-election.
4. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the District. He shall preside at the Convention and Board meetings and perform all other such duties as pertain to his office.
5. The Vice-President shall assist the President and act in the President’s absence.
6. The Secretary shall record and distribute the minutes of all Conventions and Board meetings.
7. The Treasurer shall have charge of the finances of the Organization. He shall receive and disburse all district funds and keep a record of all such receipts and disbursements. He shall submit regular reports to the Board of Directors and to the Convention.
8. Resignation from the board. Any individual serving on the board may resign by giving notice in writing to the President or Vice- President.
9. Removal from Office. The members of the district board may remove an officer at any time whenever in its judgment the best interests of the District will be served thereby.
Article III – Board of Directors
1. The Board of Directors shall carry on the business of the Organization between Conventions.
2. It shall appoint individuals and committees needed to carry on the work of the Organization.
3. It shall submit an annual report and make recommendation to the District Convention.
4. It shall approve the President’s appointments to the Nominations/Election Committee.
5. It shall fill all vacancies on the Board of Directors in the interim between conventions.
Article IV – Convention
1. The annual Convention shall be held at a time and place to be set by the District Board of Directors.
2. If possible, District Conventions should be sponsored by a Zone of the Organization.
3. Members registered at the Convention and present at a session shall constitute a quorum.
4. Resolutions for, or recommendations to, the Convention shall be submitted in writing to the District Board of Directors at least thirty (30) days prior to the Convention.
5. The program and all other arrangements for the Convention shall be subject to the approval of the District Board.
6. The Convention shall be governed by generally accepted rules of Parliamentary Procedure.
Article V – Congregational Ambassadors
It is desired that each congregation in Iowa District East have a congregational ambassador who will work with congregation’s pastor and other organizations in each congregation to further the spread of the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Any confirmed member of a congregation can be an ambassador. Duties of Ambassadors are outlined in documents put forth by the International Lutheran Laymen’s League.
Article VI – Emblem
The Emblem of the Organization shall be that of the International Lutheran Laymen’s League.