Friday, May 10, 2013

Bethany Lutheran Church in Cedar Rapids

The National Day of Prayer at Bethany Lutheran, CR

All 50 Governors and the President of the United States proclaimed the 62nd annual National Day of Prayer as millions of Americans gathered from coast to coast in solemn assembly. It was the single, largest mobilized effort to prayer in the history of our nation with more than 42,000 events taking place at courthouse steps, parks, offices, government buildings, churches and homes symbolizing a single prayer – one voice – one cry – for such a time as this. It was, perhaps, the fulfillment of the vision of President John Adams, who wrote on June 17, 1775, “We have appointed a Continental fast. Millions will be upon their knees at once before their great Creator, imploring his forgiveness and blessing; his smiles on American councils and arms.” (from

Bethany Lutheran Church (Cedar Rapids) hosted one of the 42,000 events on May 2, 2013. The congregations of Cedar Rapids North and South Circuits were invited to attend this event and asked to submit names of members of the armed forces and emergency responders from their congregation to be prayed for that day. Personal invitations to this service were sent to President Obama, Vice-President Biden, Governor Branstad, and local government officials, although most were unable to attend. The Sunday School children at Bethany, however, helped promote this event by using their artistic chalking abilities on the sidewalks and driveways near Bethany on the Sunday prior to the National Day of Prayer. “Pray on May 2”, “National Day of Prayer”, “Pray” were among the many colorful statements chalked.

On May 2 Bethany’s sanctuary was open for prayer during the day, with 11 people taking advantage to pray in the Lord’s house. A live webcast from the Washington DC, National Day of Prayer event was played in the Living Room with 5 watching at various times during the morning

The highlight of the day at Bethany however, was the Service of Prayer and Preaching with LCMS Iowa District East President Rev. Dr. Brian Saunders as our guest preacher. During the sermon based on II Kings 19:5-19, President Saunders reminded those gathered of the importance of lifting up our nation in prayer to the One True God, who alone can hear and answer them. A special choir, led by Mrs. Carolyn Sternowski, complimented the theme for the day by performing two musical selections. An offering was also taken for the LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces, with $560 being collected to train military chaplains and provide much needed supplies. Rev. David Miller, Trinity (Cedar Rapids); Rev. Dr. Randy Nord, Bethany (Cedar Rapids); and Rev. Mike Erickson, Bethany (Cedar Rapids) were among the others who helped lead worship for the almost 100 people in attendance. And of course, the fellowship time following the service was enjoyed by all!

Plan to join us on Thursday, May 1, 2014 for the 63rd annual National Day of Prayer.