Thursday, February 02, 2012

District President Saunder's Article For The February 2012 Issue

President's Piece for Peace
            This is the second issue of a four part series assisting congregations in their duty to do its share that the Church in general may be established and promoted. I am taking these portions from Walthers book "The Form of a Christian Congregation." He quotes one of his favorite theologians by the name of Dannhauer concerning the congregations responsibility in confessing the Faith in their community.
            The first responsibility was for the membership to live a life that exemplifies the goodness bestowed on them by Christ the Lord. When an exemplary life is noticed by your neighbor he then contends that the congregation must extend the written Word. Dannhauer puts it this way,
"If this first call has entered the minds and has been heard by the people, we must try another, namely, the written Word. It pays to try out on the armies of Satan this powerful strategy. Though they may be so firmly fortified that nothing may appear more strongly established, they can never close the access to God's elect from heaven above through letters flying to them from the outside; for they are carried on wings printed on paper with metal- these substitutes for the feet of the apostles. I mean the publications which carry abroad the Gospel, proclaim divine grace, announce glad tidings, and lovingly tell us that the clouds have been swept from the skies and the sun has been restored. I am sure you notice what I have in mind. It is my desire that for the awakening of the hearts the Biblical letters, penned by Almighty God for the whole human race, should be brought everywhere, either secretly or publicly, in vessels of papyrus in order that the kingdom of Christ might be spread far and abroad."
            While Dannhauer and Walther place emphasis on the Christ-like life, they both say it is no replacement for the Gospel. St. Paul says he "is not ashamed of the Gospel for it is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe it." The Word of God is a living Word that cuts deeper than a two edged sword. It identifies the embarrassing sins that plague your neighbor. At the same time it shows them Christ who has made atonement for them and redeemed them from sin and death. The Word not only shows this truth but also has the power to create faith that believes it.
            It is good for a congregation to get the written Word into every members hands beginning with very young. Read the Word to them and hear them read the Word to you. Teach them to read the Word to their neighbor. When reading it, they could give a bible to their neighbor and encourage them to continue to swim in the refreshing waters of life and salvation. The efforts a congregation makes to place the written Word in the hands of their members, then from the membership into the hands of their neighbors is never without fruit in the kingdom of God.