Wednesday, March 10, 2010

St. Paul’s Lutheran Chapel in Iowa City

Joined by friends from College Hill Lutheran, on Feb. 26th, the students and members of St. Paul’s Lutheran Chapel in Iowa City gathered for the chapel’s annual Theologian in Residence. This year’s theologian was The Rev. Dr. Martin Conkling, Professor of Religion and Pre-Seminary Director at Concordia College, NY. Dr. Conkling’s presentation was entitled Just War – Holy War: The Roots of Conflict Between Islam and the Christian West.

During his presentation, Dr. Conkling examined the concepts of holy war in both Christianity and Islam as manifested in jihad and the Christian Crusades. He also discussed the perceptions of the Crusades, their cause, and how these matters affect relations today between the West and the world of Islam.

On Sunday, Dr. Conkling conducted Bible Class and preached the sermon at St. Paul’s. His Bible Class discussed biblical views of the atonement, including rescue and substitution.
Theologian in Residence is an annual event at St. Paul’s Lutheran Chapel and is designed to provide college students an opportunity to learn from the theologians of our synod. I