Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Brammer Student Center and College Hill Lutheran Church

Brammer Student Center, College Hill Lutheran Church and the University of Northern Iowa were the destination for 22 high school students from 10 congregations who came for an overnight visit. Arriving on Saturday, January 16th, the students were greeted by members of Lutheran Student Fellowship, the LCMS college students’ organization.

The afternoon was busy with a photo scavenger hunt on campus, games, Bible study, and fellowship time. The evening found students having a great time at the Wellness Center on campus where they enjoyed swimming, basketball, racing and, oh yes, the rock wall climbing. The sleep time at the church was minimal for most of that night.

Sunday morning brought everyone together for Bible Study, worship and the traditional Welcome Back to Campus for the college students…….. POTLUCK! The food was delicious and plenty, the fellowship enjoyable.

High School Visitation is an annual event that grows in number and improves in activities and enjoyment each year. Students and congregation members alike look forward to next year's event.