Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Dubuque

Starting in October, the junior choir at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Dubuque conducted a fund drive to raise money for the repair of the church organ. It was a great success, with a total of $368 raised. The fundraising effort was based on the Parable of the Talents, which can be found in Matthew 25. The 19 members of the choir were encouraged to use their individual gifts and talents to make an original amount of $5 grow. One choir member used her talents to buy baking goods and made cookies. Another member bought craft supplies and sold works of art. As you can see, the choir members were not lacking enthusiasm or creativity. We encourage other young members to take a greater interest in the needs and activities of their church. Thanks be to God that the Junior Choir's contribution will help the organ at Our Redeemer to once again declare the praises of our Lord in a loud and clear voice.

Written by Grant Kincaid, grade 6
and Katie Stringer, grade 6
Our Redeemer Junior Choir Reporters