Tuesday, August 26, 2008

St. John's Lutheran Church in Waverly

“Flood Update” From St. John Lutheran, Waverly

An update our brothers and sisters in Christ on the progress of our congregation since the June flooding.

First of all, 51 of our 200 local families (25%) were flooded in June. Thankfully, 31 of these families only received flooding in their basements or garages. These families are all moved back into their homes, and life has returned ‘pretty much’ to normal. Of the remaining 20 families, we have lost one family, which has moved out of Waverly. Four more families have lost their homes. And the remaining 15 families had major damage, and are at different stages of repair. In our pastoral visits, we have found that many of these families are still struggling emotionally, and even spiritually, as a result of this disaster. We continue to encourage them, of how our Lord faced the ultimate damage, and the flood of God’s wrath on Calvary to restore our damaged lives and souls in Christ!

Secondly, our congregation has initiated a “Moving Forward” campaign, as we try to raise the needed funds of $200,000, to restore our facilities to ‘basic useable space’. By God’s Grace, and the help of our brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the district and synod, we have raised about $75,000 towards our needs to date. If your congregation can help us in any way, or if you could make our need known to your members through your bulletins and newsletters, we would be most grateful! You can find out more information at our district webpage: www.lcmside.org. Just click on ‘storm relief’, and then click on “St. John, Waverly’. Any gifts can be sent to: St. John Lutheran Church, 415 4th St. SW, Waverly, IA 50677