Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Rev. Dr. Dean Rothchild's Article

Saying Thank You Once Again

A journey which began almost 10 years ago has come to completion. The journey which I am referring to is the one we first called “From the Cedar River to the Baltic Sea.” It was 10 years ago that Iowa District East was approached by LCMS Human Care to partner on a building project in Palanga, Lithuania. On Saturday July 14th the worship and diaconal center were dedicated to the glory of God in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Representing our District at the dedication were: Rev. Dr. Brian Saunders District President and his wife Karen; former District President Rev. Dr. Gary Arp and his wife Marjorie. Also attending were Rev. Daniel Johnson, formerly Pastor at Redeemer Lutheran in Marshalltown, now called by the International Missions Board to be stationed out of Frankfurt, Germany. Dan’s wife Amy was with him on this trip. I personally want to thank God for the 662 different donor groups, consisting of congregations, congregational groups, and individual members who gave support for this project over the past nine years. The building was dedicated with no debt, the sleeping rooms furnished, and the diaconal center furnished as well. To all of you, I will echo the words of Jesus: “Well done, good and faithful servants.”

As mentioned in the May issue of IDE Today we are beginning a Capital Campaign under the title of “Proclaiming Christ Jesus.” This was approved by the District in Convention on June 29th. Each congregation will be receiving the DVD which was shown at the District Convention. We are asking that you show this in as many venues in your congregation as possible and then look at making a congregational commitment over the next 1-5 years over and above what you are already sending to the District with your mission offerings. There is a congregational intent form which is included in this mailing. These new monies will be used to support the new mission start in North Liberty now known as St. Silas Lutheran Church.

Together we have helped to build a worship and diaconal center in Lithuania and now together we will work at bringing Christ Jesus to the community of North Liberty and in other locations as Christ Jesus provides the opportunities. I look forward to visiting with many of you in your homes in the months to come as you are given the privilege to help bring the Gospel of Christ Jesus to those who are still in darkness!