Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Faith Lutheran Church in Waterloo

Faith Lutheran Church VBS- Waterloo

On Sunday, July 15th, thirty children filled the sanctuary at Faith Lutheran. They were ready to go on a ‘Ridin’ the Rapids’ adventure! Throughout the week, the children heard about gifts God gives us: life, protection, direction, salvation, and vocation. Spike, the porcupine puppet, caught the children’s attention and introduced each day’s lesson. After they heard their Bible story each day, the children got to act out what they just heard; this was the highlight for many! Daily, time was spent memorizing Ephesians 2:4-10. Even the preschool and kindergarten children were able to recite some of the verses! The children enjoyed the craft, recreation, and music components of the week as well. Since VBS was centered around water, and each Bible story involved water, it was only appropriate that water should be connected to the mission project also. Children collected funds to buy water filters for families in Haiti through Lutheran Church Charities. Along with Faith’s VBS partner congregation, Mt. Olive Lutheran in Rockford, IL, enough money was raised to purchase 15 water filters that will provide clean water for Haitian families! Praise the Lord for the opportunity to share the gospel at Vacation Bible School this summer!