Tuesday, July 31, 2012


What: The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
National Rural and Small Town Mission Conference
When: Nov. 1-3, 2012

Where: King's Pointe Resort, Storm Lake, Iowa

Who: LCMS congregational leaders in rural and small town settings

Why: The LCMS National Rural and Small Town Mission Conference will address the blessings and challenges facing rural and small town congregations today as well as encourage those congregations and their leaders in cultivating healthy churches that are eager to bear witness to Christ to those around them, show mercy to the suffering in their communities and to encourage a robust life together with their fellow members.

“The National Rural and Small Town Mission Conference will be a great opportunity for pastors and lay leaders to gather together for mutual encouragement and support as we look for ways of being active in our communities throughout our corporate witness and acts of mercy,” said LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison. “I am excited to be a part of the conference and I hope that people from across the heartland of the Synod will be blessed by attending.”

Have a question? Please contact Amy Gerdts at amy.gerdts@lcms.org or call 888-463-5127.