Monday, July 04, 2011

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Coralville

Each year Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Coralville celebrates the 4th of July with a parade and a picnic. The parade is supplied by the city, passing the church on two sides. The church supplies the picnic following and it is an established tradition open to all Members, friends, and family. Having entered floats in the parade some years and not in others, the idea was suggested that this year instead of a moving float how about a lemonade stand set up on the corner of the church property where the parade passes--a Free lemonade stand that is. So, through the efforts of a few dedicated volunteers, at minimal expense, the parade attendees who swarmed the warm sidewalks near Prince of Peace were drawn to a pavilion handing out free cold lemonade.  Even people in the parade hopped the curb to grab a glass. If the thirsty parade watchers asked if it was truly free the Members simply replied, "It's free, just like God's love." The stand was such a hit that the Members who prepared and handed out the drinks all volunteered to be part of it next year and are even now discussing ways to make it better.