Saturday, July 30, 2011

Immanuel Lutheran Church in Iowa Falls

on God’s word in a changing culture

Guest Speaker: Lt. Col. John Eidsmoe

Saturday, September 10, 4:00 - 7:00

buffet meal (door offering)

Immanuel Lutheran Church
West Washington & Lee Lane, Iowa Falls

•     what happens to a culture when christians are silent?
•     how does the biblical worldview contrast all others?
•     what can christians learn from the crusades?
•     what is “shariah law” & how does it oppose god’s word?
•     why is the sanctity of human life foundational to all issues?
•     why is biblical marriage for the benefit of society??
•     what is a christian to do in the midst of moral decay?

See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world and not according to Christ (Col. 2:8).

John Eidsmoe is a retired Air Force Lt. Colonel and Alabama State Defense Force Colonel, and a graduate of the Air Command & Staff College and the Air War College.  He is a Professor of Law, served as Senior Staff Attorney with the Alabama Supreme Court, and is currently Legal Counsel for the Foundation for Moral Law.  John is a constitutional attorney who has defended home schools, Christian schools, and the right of students to study the Bible.  He has authored 13 books including God and Caesar, is an ordained pastor with the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations, and serves on the board of Lutherans For Life.  John holds degrees in law, theology, history, and political science.  He tries to get 8 hours of sleep every week.  He and his wife, Marlene, have three children and live in rural Pike Road, Alabama.

Sponsored by Immanuel’s Board for Human Care & LFL of Iowa
(641) 648-3756  or