Thursday, February 03, 2011

Camp Advocate Program Gearing Up for 2011

This year, a primary goal of Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca’s Development Committee is to engage a much higher percentage of IDE congregations in the life of their Camp.

We will employ a number of strategies to help achieve this goal, including the creation of a network of “Congregational Camp Advocates” (CCAs).

You’ll be hearing and reading more about this program in the near future, including a feature article in the March issue of the Camp’s quarterly newsletter, The Messenger. In the mean time, would you prayerfully consider volunteering to be a part of this important program?

As you can see from a list of potential activities, a CCA would serve primarily as a liaison who communicates important information about the Camp to their respective congregations. A CCA might:

   Disseminate camp materials to the congregation (newsletters, posters, brochures, etc.)
   Encourage young people to attend summer camp and other year-round programs
   Identify potential volunteers and donors for various Camp projects or needs
   Encourage your congregation’s auxiliaries (LWML, LLL, men’s clubs, Thrivent members, etc.) to be involved in Camp activities and to sponsor camp projects.

Want to make a huge impact on the life of the Camp? Learn more by contacting Camp Development Director Greg Gerjerts (319-961-1103, today!