On May 20th,
Pastor Clarke Frederick retired, and the church held a reception for Pastor and
Zoanne following church service. The parish hall was filled to overflowing with
well-wishers who wanted to say goodbye. A short slide program retraced Pastor
Frederick’s 22 years at Trinity. A number of people reminisced of times with
Pastor and the elders presented the Fredericks with a beautiful engraved clock
from the church. The Fredericks have settled into their new home in Mason City,
Summer has
been very busy for Trinity. The evangelism board built a float for the local parade with
Sunday School children and parents riding. The church played on the parade theme
“A Community of Heroes” with banners proclaiming “Jesus isn’t just a hero, He’s
our Savior!” and “Our God is an Awesome God!” and playing Christian music
throughout the route. The float was very
well received by the parade goers and 600 Christian bracelets were handed out
to young people along the route.
Our church
also joined 6 other churches in our circuit to have a booth at the Benton
County Fair. Families walking by could pick up wooden crosses, pencils,
bookmarks and fans. In addition, the churches went together to purchase 300
DVD’s - “ Road to Emmaus” to give out to
interested families for free. Our Thrivent Chapter helped pay for these DVD’s.
Summer Sunday
School ran from June through July. During the summer Hailey Twaites and Emma
Voyles achieved their Growing in Christ Pin Awards for learning who Christ was,
what He did during His ministry, and the Easter Story from the entrance into
Jerusalem through the last supper, trial, death and resurrection.
VBS was held
at the end of July. The children took an Amazing Desert Journey and learned
that God forgives our sins, provides for our needs, gives us strength to avoid
temptation and sent His Son so that we could be forgiven and have eternal life
with Him in heaven. Lessons were interwoven with action songs, puppets and
crafts. A big hit was that each child got to color their own t-shirt. Vacancy
Pastor David Lingard led openings and taught the children about the
sanctuary furnishing and liturgy.