Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Trinity Lutheran Church in Guttenberg

Good Shepherd theme for the Shepherds

Volunteer Camp Nurse Helene Kuempel noticed that Room 7, the room in which the Pastor's and families stay when at Camp IoDisECa needed an update. She mentioned it to fellow Ladies Aid members from Trinity Lutheran Church-LCMS, Guttenberg, Iowa during the Iowa East District LWML Fall Retreat at the Camp in September 2010. Trinity Ladies Aid asked permission to adopt Room 7 and held their April meeting at the Camp this spring to gather ideas for the "Good Shepherd Room". Trinity ladies have worked hard to bring their ideas to fruition. Gertrude Brase made reversible covers for the four beds, Karen Riser sewed curtains for the windows, the group met to frame the 12 prints they have chosen to display Psalm 23 and a whimsical puzzle entitled "Jump for Joy" was glued to a backing to be hung on the wall. Helene and her husband Tom painted the ceiling in May.

June 6th, a contingent again made the trip to Camp IoDisECa, this time to complete the refurbishment. Five women on a mission armed with determination, paintbrushes, drop cloths and rags painted the walls of Room 7 and the adjoining bathroom. Two colors of blue and a complimentary green were chosen to bring out the colors in the curtains. After the paint was dry, the prints and the puzzle were hung. Sheep and shepherd's grace the walls with verses of the 23rd Psalm. The final touch was a framed picture hung in the bathroom with the words of John 10:14 - "I am the Good Shepherd. I know my sheep and my sheep know me". Camp Counselors there for training as well as camp personnel were eager to see our finished product. At last they were invited to view the results. One person was heard to say: "If the pastor staying in this room can't sleep - he can count sheep!"