Wednesday, August 03, 2011

St. John’s Lutheran Church In Homestead

A joint service was held June 12, 2011 at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Homestead with her sister congregation, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Wellman, to bid farewell to our pastor, Reverend Wayne Woolery. Vacation Bible School closing was also held in the morning service with an inspiring and joy filled presentation. A bountiful potluck dinner was served to a large number, with an open house and an entertaining program in the afternoon. Special guests included Rev. Woolery’s fiancé Ann Kurth, family members, as well as pastors, members, and friends from the IDE Circuit. An Amana wall clock was presented to him by the congregation in appreciation of his faithful work among us for over ten years. Pastor is retiring from fulltime ministry. He and his bride have settled in Aurora, CO where he is exploring opportunities for ministry with the Hispanic population.