Sunday, August 07, 2011

The August Edition

The next edition of the IDE TODAY has gone to the printer and should be arriving in two weeks. Thank you to everyone who submitted articles and pictures. This marks my 57th issue as Editor.

My favorite picture is on page 15, a companion to the front cover. It shows four or five young campers watching as the horses they are about to ride are prepared. Though you can't see their faces, you can feel their excitement and trepidation rising. The horses must have looked much bigger to them in person then what they were expecting. The good news is that, despite some last moment changes of heart, all went for their ride and all had a great time. (Some day I too hope to ride a horse at Camp IO-DIS-E-CA.)

The color edition will be available on line in a couple of days.

The next issue will be in November.

In Christ,

Rev. Otto, Editor