Friday, May 13, 2011

IDE and Concordia Seminary

ST. LOUIS—On May 4, calls to serve as pastors in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) were issued to 86 students at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, during a worship service in The Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus. These students join more than 12,000 who have been prepared to serve as pastors, missionaries and chaplains during the 172 years of Concordia Seminary’s existence.

In a separate service held earlier that day, 81 students received assignments to serve as vicars. Vicarage is a one-year internship that M.Div. and Alternate Route students preparing to serve in the pastoral ministry must complete.

Concordia Seminary also celebrated four deaconess students who were assigned calls and 10 deaconess students who were assigned internships.

The Iowa East District received the following new pastor from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis:

Beltz, Samuel - St. John Lutheran Church, Oskaloosa, Iowa

A complete listing of the calls and vicarages issued is available on the Seminary’s website at

Photo: From left: Samuel Beltz, Cassie Beltz, Rev. Brian Saunders.