Thursday, November 03, 2011

Trinity Lutheran Church in Vinton

Church life at Trinity - Vinton goes on amidst reconstruction

Trinity Lutheran Church in Vinton has learned that a little thing like having your roof blown off and the sanctuary damaged doesn’t mean God wants us to hide in a hole until the building is back to normal! The roof has been finished and reconstruction of the sanctuary has been started. The water damage in the ceiling turned out to be more extensive than first thought and the ceiling and insulation have all been taken down and will be replaced. Beams will be refinished. At first we were hoping to be completed by Thanksgiving, now we are hoping to celebrate Christmas in the sanctuary. Please visit our website: for updates on the construction.
Meanwhile, the church family is carrying on as usual. Sunday School and TLC Preschool started on their regular dates and are going strong. Families still fill the Parish Hall for services, the choir and bell choir have added to the services, and the children will sing November 13th. Bible studies, service and social groups and youth groups are active. While we don’t know for sure where the Children’s Christmas Program will be held, practices are schedule to be held beginning this month.
The Genesis Group (confirmation age) had a bowling party at Berry Lanes in Vinton. We had a great time, with the more proficient bowlers helping those who hadn’t bowled before.
The Senior LYF members had “The Amazing GrrRace” competition. Loosely based on the TV show, teams traveled around the Vinton area doing servant events, completing tasks and answering Bible knowledge questions. From helping the Vinton Lutheran Home and Public Library with fall clean-up, to learning to check vital parts of your car or what firefighters do, to answering Bible questions from Pastor Frederick and reciting the Nicene Creed from memory at the Train Depot, to finding and visiting our neighboring LCMS churches in Shellsburg and Garrison, it was a full day of fun for all.