Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Trinity Lutheran in Cedar Rapids

Mother's Day Poem by Stacie Eastman

"You remind me of your grandmother and your mother."

These words are a great source of joy and a blessing for me. I love to
be reminded of my foremothers' talents, love, spirits, of their touch
and faces. That something of their spirit lives in me is blessing and
strength for my days.

The first images of my grandmother and mom is a loving presence to
greet me, and whoever is with me, at the door. I see them always
prepared to receive guests with open arms, give kisses and great hugs,
and making wonderful meals (sauerkraut, pork, and dumplings, anyone?)
that taste of home.

Another image is that of worker. As an adult, I appreciate even more
the times my mother went without so that my sister and I did not.
Nothing was ever a problem, just a situation that required a solution.
To this day, it amazes me what my mother can fix with a bit of
creativity. Who knew bread ties had so many uses?

Throughout and around all of the images I have of my grandma and my
mom is the Spirit of God's love and an unwaivering faith. Thanks to my
mom, I now know that when God closes a door, he definitely opens a
window! Through both of them, I have learned that life doesn't always
turn out the way you want it to, and that around every corner is an
opportunity to grow, learn, laugh, and love. I don't have thoughts of
them without knowing that their lives are Christian, founded in Jesus'
love and life.

My grandma and mother handed me this life. It is something passed on
through the generations, and something I will pass on to my children.
They have handed me a Christian life. I know how to pray and worship
because they showed me. I have seen in their giving to friends and
strangers that this action is part of this faith.

I have seen faith. These women that I resemble have handed it to me.

Do people know you are a Christian? Would you be recognized as someone
that has this faith? Have you handed this faith to others?

Faith isn't something that can be handed over in one hour a week. It
isn't something that Hallmark can say for you. You must live and
breathe this faith in order to be able to hand it over to another.

Easier said than done? Are you unsure how you could do this?

Model your life by example. Take part in one of the small groups or
Bible studies offered at your church. Attend worship. Volunteer to work with those less fortunate than yourself.
Become involved with the youth - I guarantee their faith will move you.

Pray, pray, pray. Pray throughout the day. Pray-don't just ask. Count
your blessings, even the ones that don't always seem to be. Pray in
words, song, dance, movement, laughter, tears. Pray every day.

Look for ways to reach out to others. You know someone that doesn't
possess faith - we all do. Tell them what it means to you. Invite them
to worship.

Know that God calls us to care for the weak and outcast. Take every
opportunity to put your faith into action. Be a radical disciple.
Remember to always act with love.

Paul writes to his beloved Timothy, "I am grateful to God when I
remember you constantly in my prayers night and day. I am reminded of
your sincere faith, a faith that first lived in your grandmother Lois
and mother Eunice and now, I am sure, lives in you." 2 Timothy 1:3-5

"You remind me of......"