Wednesday, April 27, 2011


What Is Our LCMS Presence Worth

Last spring our board was challenged with the question of, “Instead of supporting the Lutheran Laymen’s League State Fair booth jointly with Iowa District West League members, could be spend our funds better locally? After debating the issue for sometime we decided that we would ask the member/donors who send funds to St. Louis headquarters, who then send a small portion back for local IDE League expenses. It is after all the Ambassadors and the member/donors who are the grassroots here in Iowa.

There is a mind-set that troubles many people who support fair booths, and it is, if you don’t see a handful of names, addresses, and telephone numbers after spending several hundred dollars supporting a booth then …. Don’t do booths anymore.

We presented this question to those in attendance at our recent convention on Saturday April 2, 2011. The vote was unanimous that the booth was not about the cost, or how many slips of paper came back to local churches, but it was entirely about having a statewide LCMS Christian presence, for those seeking Christian answers. We will continue to support this booth for 2011 - 12, and perhaps beyond.

This is why I am proud to be associated with the League who also stand in the stead of the LCMS congregations in our IDE. We thank you for your continued support of our LHM Ambassadors and member/donors in your congregations.

President John T. Moeller - IDE Intl. LLL Board