Wednesday, January 12, 2011

St. John Lutheran Church in Marengo

Third Annual Day of Theological Reflection

St. John’s Lay School of Theology (an educational arm of St. John Lutheran Church in Marengo) will host its Third Annual Day of Theological Reflection on Saturday, February 19th. The speaker for the day is the Rev. Dr. Joel Biermann, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. Dr. Biermann’s topic is "Living the Two Kinds of Righteousness." Dr. Biermann writes: "In 1535, Luther’s great Galatians commentary was published, complete with the reformer’s brief introduction to the epistle. In these introductory words, Luther taught the reader about what he considered to be the driving paradigm or distinction that animates Paul’s letter. In fact, Luther found this distinction so vital that he referred to it as ‘our theology.’ The distinction he had in mind was not, as one might expect, law and gospel. It was the two kinds of righteousness. When rightly understood, it quickly becomes apparent why this distinction was normative for Luther and why a firm grasp of this wonderful duality can contribute mightily to Christians, today. The benefits to be gained by a study of the two kinds of righteousness are for congregations, certainly; but even more, perhaps, for individual Christians striving to live lives of faithful discipleship. Consequently, this seminar will focus on Luther’s distinction, but always for the sake of practical application."

The first lecture is at 10:15 a.m., with a second lecture following at 1:00 p.m. A lunch will be served between the morning and afternoon lectures. Registration for the Day of Theological Reflection is $25.00 per person ($15.00 for emeriti pastors). The Day of Theological Reflection is for both pastors and laity. You may register in one of the following ways: 1) call the church office at 319-642-5452; email Pastor Doug Morton at; 3) fax the church office at 319-741-6291; or 4) send to St. John’s Lay School of Theology, 780 Court Avenue, Marengo, Iowa 52301. Questions may be addressed to Rev. Douglas Morton by calling him at 319-521-3751 or by emailing him at