Thursday, May 07, 2009

College Hills Lutheran Church

Panthers Give Hawkeyes the Boot

We’re not going to lie. Beating the Hawkeyes of St. Paul’s Lutheran Chapel in the Second Annual President’s Cup Kickball Game on April 25th was chief among the items on this year’s To Do list at College Hill Lutheran Church. If nothing else was done save winning the 2009 President’s Cup, the year would be counted a success.

With the crushing loss burned in the minds and aching hearts of Panther Nation from last year, the power-packed Panther kickball team was determined to send the little birdies back to their nest in Iowa City in defeat.

Determined though we were, the Hawks were up to the challenge as the game was a nail-biter to the end. Behind stellar pitching performances, motivational speeches, and a number of spectacular catches from both teams, the game ended with a final score of 6-5. The winner? Let’s just say that the Panthers seized the President’s Cup with a shout of victory and a celebration ensued as the UNI Fight Song filled the camp. We prefer to make no comment on the controversial “ground-rule double” since it worked in our favor.

The College Hill students arrived earlier in the day at Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca to help with the Spring work day. In a couple hours, they helped put wood chips on hiking trails and shoveled rocks around one of the cabins. Thanks to the staff at Camp for hosting the events for the day!