Thursday, May 07, 2009

Angela Carriker, Deaconess Intern at St. Paul's Chapel in Iowa City

Angela Carriker, Deaconess Intern

“What is a Deaconess?” I thought to myself as I thumbed through the brochure I’d just received in the mail. My curiosity was peaked, but the only concrete information I received from the brochure was that these ladies worked for the church in some capacity, and, they must really like navy blue. But what exactly does a Deaconess do? I learned that a deaconess is a woman with a heart for the Lord and a desire to serve His people. She is a theologically trained woman who is there to support and serve alongside the Pastor, assisting with the various social ministries of the church. She’s not there to usurp the role of the pastor, but rather to complement his ministry. You’ll see a Deaconess in a variety of settings: churches, college campuses, hospitals, schools and nursing homes. She visits the sick and homebound, teaches Bible studies and other classes. She’s the sympathetic ear and the voice of prayer and compassion when times are hard. When the women of the congregation just need another woman to talk to – she’s there. So who are these women in blue? They come in all shapes and sizes, but all come with compassion and a desire to serve.