This will be my last message to you as President of IDE. It is with mixed feelings that I write it! Although I hope that I will be able to continue serving in some capacity, I am also looking forward to a lighter workload! I grew up on a farm and I have been working since I was old enough to milk a cow and steer a tractor so it would be a bit strange for me not to continue working as long as the Lord gives me strength.
After Easter, the Synodical Council of District Presidents met for the vicarage assignments and Pastoral Call services at the Seminaries. Each year it is a joy to see the men receive their assignments and to see the seniors receive their Call into the pastoral ministry. Also included were the female students receiving their Deaconess Intern assignments and first calls to serve as Deaconess. IDE will be receiving 2 vicars, 4 pastoral candidates, one Deaconess Intern and one Candidate. Their pictures are found throughout this issue.
I asked Angela Carriker, Deaconess Intern at St. Paul's Chapel in Iowa City, to answer the question, “What is a deaconess?” You will find her response in this edition of IDE TODAY. If your congregation needs to add another staff person, I encourage you to consider a Deaconess.
The IDE Convention is June 26-27. In addition to electing a new District President, the delegates will be deciding whether or not to allow this office to become a part-time position. It became full-time in 1974. In 1994, the District Convention reaffirmed the need for a full-time District President. There will also be a presentation by the Synodical Restructuring Taskforce. Delegates will be given the opportunity to respond to this presentation.
Dr. Darius Petkunas, Pastor of the church in Palanga, Lithuania, tells me that there is much suffering there due to the declining economy. Unemployment and prices are rising. However, I do have some good news regarding the Palanga Project. Immanuel Luth. Church in St. Ansgar has adopted the project of finishing the “interior walls of the fellowship center,” St. Paul Luth. Church in Williamsburg the "Church Plumbing Work,” Marjorie and I the “fire and security alarm system” for the Pastor’s apartment, Rev. Dr. Rothchild and Corrine the “Bible Study Room Plumbing Work,” and the St. Paul LWML in Artesian the “Fire Alarm System for the Organ Space.” We have also been contacted by a lady who is interested in having her congregation host a “Lithuania Fund Raising Dinner.” Sounds like a great idea. I commend all who have given so generously to support this project. I pray that we can complete it soon. For a list of all the projects go to the link on the District website. Choose a project and adopt it! Be sure to call the District office so we can reserve it for you.
In conclusion, I thank our dear Lord and you for the opportunity to serve as the President of Iowa District East for these past nine years. Thank you for your prayers, your encouragement, and your support.