Friday, September 05, 2008

Grace Lutheran Church in DeWitt


The 26th Annual Lutheran Summer Music (LSM) Academy & Festival recently took place at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN in June. LSM is the pinnacle program of the Lutheran Music Program, and is one of the nation's premier summer music training programs for young people.

Kate Heetland of Grace Lutheran Church in DeWitt was one of 148 students to participate in the program.

This year, high school age student musicians from 30 states and two foreign countries were selected by audition to spend four weeks participating in a rigorous schedule that included individual primary and secondary instrument or voice lessons, large and small ensembles, musicianship class, electives (including church music, conducting, collegium musicum/early music and jazz and more) as well as daily recitals.

Worship is at the core of the community experience and begins and ends each academy day. Students are served by a faculty roster of 36 educators, all of whom are esteemed practicing professional musicians and teachers from throughout the United States, Canada and Europe.

The mission of LSM is to foster musical excellence in a caring community for high school band, orchestra, choral and keyboard students from all faith backgrounds. The organization is committed to strengthening and extending the Church's heritage of excellence in music and the arts, and provides daily opportunities for student worship.

Since its founding in 1982, more than 4,000 students have attended Lutheran Summer Music. Hundreds of these alumni have gone on to careers in music education, church music and performance. LSM 2009 will be June 21 - July 19 on the campus of Luther College in Decorah.

For more information, please visit