Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Deaconess Carol Goldfish


Since July of 1997, until the past August, I have been a half-time staff chaplain at the University of Iowa Hospitals (UIHC). In this work, I have been supported by congregations, groups, and individuals, ministering to all LCMS and other Lutheran patients and families, and patients referred to me by staff, pastors, and patients’ friends and families. My schedual at the hosptial was Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 1-9PM. I loved the work I was priveledged to do. Yet, due to a recurrence of the cancer I had twenty years ago, as of August 31st, I am no longer at UIHC.

I will continue to serve half-time at Trinity Lutheran Church, Cedar Rapids, as I have since July ’97.

I want to thank the Lord for blessings me these past eleven years with this meaningful ministry of serving in His name. I want to thank all of you for your tremendous support: prayers and financial support. I ask for your continued prayers for my health and wellness and for your words of encouragement.

Rev.William Riley, Cedar Rapids, retired LCMS minister, supported by the district, continues to visit all LCMS UIHC patients on Tuesday and Thursdays. He can be reached by or 319-366-8046. Please contact him if you have a member who is a patient at UIHC, also reminding them to register as LCMS.

Deaconess Carol Goldfish, Retired UIHC Staff Chaplain