Tuesday, February 26, 2008

St. Peter Lutheran Church in Westagte

God Squad in action at St. Peter Lutheran Church in Westgate

One year ago, the Youth Group at St. Peter Lutheran Church in Westgate became known as the “God Squad”. They dedicated themselves study together God's Word, learning not only how they were saved by God's grace though Jesus Christ, but also how they have been transformed by Christ to be His servants.

As God’s servants to the congregation, many of the Squad members volunteered to paint the walls in the Education Wing of the church. Now each Sunday School room is connected to an “I AM...” statement of Jesus. The older members, especially those considering careers in teaching, have taken great interest in helping out with Vacation Bible School, Sunday School and the younger confirmation classes. The God Squad also held a dinner on Maundy Thursday. They taught the congregation what took place during the Passover Dinner Jesus celebrated. More importantly, they emphasized how each part of the meal pointed to Him, and what He continues to offer us in the Lord’s Supper. Many Squad members, as well as congregational members, are looking forward to doing it again this year.

In service to the community, the God Squad helped out on Westgate Day. They sponsored a number of activities for smaller children including a dunk tank and mini-tractor pull. In addition, one of the Squad’s members discovered a program which offers assistance to Foster Care children. The congregation got behind them and supported them on this particular project. Then, during the holidays, the Squad gathered food and cash donations for the local food bank.

Perhaps most exciting is the God Squad’s musical abilities. The member’s sing hymns from the hymnal as well as traditional hymns with new tunes. After a concert last fall, they were invited to sing at a number of other places. A sister congregation was hosting a special fund-raiser dinner and in need of entertainment. They heard about the God Squad and invited them to participate. The group also put together a special Christmas concert with instruments and bells. Many people from the community attended. This summer they have been asked to sing at the County Fair.

On March 15, the God Squad Choir will be hosting a concert. Callie Weiss, from Cedar Falls, will be the artist performing. The choir will be featured as the opening act for Callie. The event begins at 3:00, at St. Peter Lutheran Church, and everyone in IDE is invited. For some of the needy in the community, the God Squad will be collecting clothing items in good quality that afternoon.

A free will donation will also be taken at the concert to help cover expenses for the group's July trip to St. Louis. They hope to spend a few days at the Concordia Seminary, each day accomplishing a service project. While there, it has been arranged for them to sing one day at the morning devotions at the International Center of the LCMS.

So, if you happen to see active teens sporting bright yellow shirts featuring a cross, a dove, and a crown over the Bible verse, A servant of the gospel according to the gift of God's grace (Ephesians 3:7), you now know who they are: The God Squad from St. Peter Lutheran Church in Westgate.