Wednesday, February 27, 2008

College Hill Lutheran Church and Bremmer Student Center in Cedar Falls


Congregation members, family, and friends were treated to a delightful theatrical evening at the Brammer Student Center. The theme was, “Saddle Up.”

Dinner was a delicious spaghetti pie with all the trimmings, followed by a video review of the ten prior dinner theaters, snippets of fun times to recall.

The entertainment was all original skits and DVDs created and acted by the students. From the “Invisible Bench” to the “Puppy in the Box,” it was great fun. During intermission, the “actors” served brownies and ice cream to the guests. The evening sped by and, when over, was acclaimed to be the “highlight of the theater season” by all who attended.

The students prepared all the food, served the meal, created and acted the program, and did all the dishes. Lots of work, but the goal was right as they were raising money for their servant event trip during spring break. The money raised will be augmented by a grant from the Black Hawk County Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.

Yes, the students are “saddled up” for their trip, and the audience has had the pleasure of being involved in this preliminary event.