Wednesday, August 15, 2007

VBS in Alaska


We prayed, planed, prepared, purchased and packed. And on July 27th our eight member VBS Mission Team departed from the Cedar Rapids Eastern Iowa Airport, destination Anchor Point, Alaska. Team members were Jan Basemann, Jackie MacLaren, Alice Hoffmeier, Brad and Rachel Lowery, Irene Reinking (Trinity Lutheran Church, Cedar Rapids), Kristy Jane Reinking (First Lutheran, Cresco), and Tammy Rogers (St Paul Lutheran, Marion).

Since there is no Lutheran church in Anchor Point, Vacation Bible School was held at the Nazarene Church. The nearest LCMS is Faith Lutheran in Homer, about 20 miles north of Anchor Point, at the southern most end of the Alaska road. Pastor Dennis Neals also serves two other small churches in remote areas that are reached only by small plane or boat. We were the only VBS team of any faith in Anchor Point this summer. Vacation Bible School is organized by The Alaska Mission for Christ and provided by volunteers from the lower 48 states for children in the sparsely populated areas. VBS in Alaska is known as The Children's Church.

Thirty-eight children attended VBS this summer. The curriculum used was taken from "Jesus for Kids" distributed by Vision Video, and included "The First Christmas, Jesus the Storyteller, Jesus the Miracle-Worker, Jesus the Healer and The First Easter". The AMC encourages us to present Jesus death and resurrection on the same day so the child hear the complete Gospel Message in case of absence the following day. Along with these Bible Stories, many crafts were provided. Four teenagers attended our Teen Night of Fun, Faith, Food and Fellowship. Bibles were provided by the Trinity Lutheran School Children for all the VBS children and teens.
Many parents and friends of the children attended our closing program. It was amazing to hear the children sing out loud and clear the songs they learned during the week, especially "Jesus Loves Me--This I Know-for the Bible Tells Me So". This is the one song the AMC stresses for us to teach to all VBS children. Also the VBS team, children and parents sang "I Love to Tell the Story-of Jesus and His Love". Through tears, as we sang ,we realized the familiar words now had a clearer and more personal meaning and would be forever embedded in our hearts like never before.

We thank the people of Trinity Lutheran Church and School, Thrivent for Lutherans, and everyone else who joined us in this Amazing VBS Mission with their prayers, financial support and labors of love, as we worked together to share the AMAZING GOSPEL MESSAGE of JESUS LOVE FOR ALL PEOPLE with the people of Alaska.

One little VBS girl, running in the hallway, was asked, "Where are you going so fast?" She replied "I am running away from my Mom. I don't want to go home. I want to stay here all day and all night. It is so much fun."

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14

May our AMAZING GOD continue to bless us all!

Anchor Point VBS Team Leader
Irene Reinking 378-0589