Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Risen Christ Lutheran Church in Davenport

Reverend Glen Thomas of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis came to recognize Richard L. Wenz for his service on the St. Louis Seminary Board of Regents. The service was held Sunday, August 19th at Risen Christ Lutheran Church, Davenport. Reverend Thomas thanked Mr. Wenz for his years of service on the Board of Regents, but also recognized his many achievements and honors in his life of Christian service. Mr. Wenz continues to be a valuable asset to the many he serves, and is an example of serving the Lord whole-heartedly!

Pictures: Back row Mrs. & Rev Glen Thomas, Rev Stephen Henderson. Front row Richard L. Wenz, Janet Wenz (From left-right)

From the Sunday Bulletin:

Richard L. Wenz

Mr. Wenz has served many communities, and most recently has served on the Board of Regents at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. Today we want to take this special time to recognize and thank Mr. Wenz for all that he has done.

Mr. Wenz was educated in Lutheran schools, attending Trinity Lutheran School for his elementary education in Lincoln, Nebraska, and Concordia High School in Seward, Nebraska. Mr. Wenz graduated from Concordia Teachers’ College in Seward, Nebraska in 1956. He then went on to get his masters degree at Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri.

Upon graduating from Concordia Teachers’ College, Mr. Wenz began a long and very distinguished career as an educator. He served as a teacher at Concordia in Maplewood, Missouri, principal at St. John’s Hannibal, Missouri, principal at St. John’s in Ellisville, Missouri, and principal and church administrator at Trinity in Davenport, Iowa. At Risen Christ, Mr. Wenz has served in many capacities including Coordinator of Older Adult Ministry, Church Administrator, member of various boards, and is currently serving on the Little Blessings Daycare Board.

Mr. Wenz has served several districts of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in a distinguished manner. He served the Missouri District as School Committee Chairman, Patterns of Performance Committee, Teachers Conference President, and St. Louis Principals Conference President. He has served Iowa District East as School Committee Chairman, Board of Directors, School Evaluator, Parish Education Committee Advisor, Board of Mission Chairman, Salary Committee Chairman, and is currently on the District Goals Committee.

Mr. Wenz has served our Synod on two convention floor committees (1969-1971), Department of Lutheran Elementary School Principal Program Committee, Evaluation Team for Concordia, Seward, Doctrinal Review Committee, Treasurer of Lutheran Education Association, Planning Council for Mission and Ministry, LCMS Reconciler, LCMS 150th Anniversary Committee, Commission on Ministerial Growth and Support, and Concordia Seminary, St. Louis Board of Regents.

Mr. Wenz has not just served our church, but our communities as well. He served as a School Evaluator for National Blue Ribbon School Awards in the US, the Department of Education, the Iowa Department of Education Coordinating Council, and Iowa Governors’ Advisory Council for Non-Public Schools.

Mr. Wenz has been recognized many times, receiving the Alumnus of the Year award from Concordia College in 1987, Iowa District East Exemplary Lutheran Educator in 1988, the United States Department of Education Blue Ribbon School Award in 1990, the National Distinguished Lutheran Principal award in 1993, and the United States Department of Education National Distinguished Principal award in 1993. Mr. Wenz also represented the State of Iowa on a three week visit to schools in the former USSR in 1988.

Mr. Wenz has been an example to all Christians. He has demonstrated what it means to be a man of God through service for others. Mr. Wenz continues to serve the LORD as he volunteers at the Davenport Cancer Center ministering to people as he has done for so many years.

We wish to take this opportunity to say thank you to Richard L. Wenz for the service that words of gratitude could never convey. May God bless those whom he calls to serve; that they may follow the example of Mr. Wenz serving the LORD whole-heartedly!

Thank You

Your Risen Christ Family