Tuesday, April 24, 2007

St. John's Lutheran Church in Waverly, Grace Lutheran Church in Artesian, Immanuel Lutheran Church in Waterloo

The human care committees of St. John's Lutheran Church in Waverly, and Grace Lutheran, Artesian, and Immanuel Lutheran Church of Waterloo, along with the Black Hawk Chapter of Lutherans For Life worked together to raise diapers and other needed supplies for four local agencies that serve new mothers in need. The donations given included baby formula, bibs, towels, and a total of 1,845 diapers! The diapers and other supplies will be donated to House of Hope, a transitional housing program for new mothers, Alternatives Pregnancy Center, a crisis pregnancy center, the Salvation Army, a homeless shelter, and Cedar Valley Friends of the Family, a battered women's shelter. The multi-church effort was designed to witness to mothers and families who have chosen life in the midst of some difficult circumstances as well as educate congregation members of the agencies in the community that are working to support these new families. One of the agencies, Alternatives Pregnancy Center, saw 649 individuals from May-October 2006 who heard the gospel message, discussed spiritual matters and prayed with a staff member. Mary Collins, Executive Director of Alternatives, had this to say about the people they serve, "Many of the young women who come to us have been involved in abusive and broken families. They have seldom, if ever, been to church. They know little about our Savior, but it is our hope and prayer that when they leave the Center, they have received a glimpse of His love and abundant life!" Those involved with the diaper drive wish to thank all of the congregation members who supported this effort through their donations and prayers.