Tuesday, April 24, 2007

IDE ILLL Zone #3

Members of Zone # 3 from the International Lutheran Laymen’s League gathered at Holy Cross in Davenport to hear suggestions on how to help their congregations and their pastors keep the” Iowa Ablaze” movement alive. Keith Schmidt and Allen Schmid, (Zone # 3 President) encouraged their listeners to attend the League’s convention on April 20-21 at Camp IO-DIS-E-CA.

This Spring Rally was an attempt to make the driving time and possibly weather conditions a little more acceptable for driving several miles from other cities to enjoy the fellowship of our rallies. Some members have been attending these rallies for 20 years or more and it is the smiling faces and the handshakes that keep them coming back. The Rally started at 10:00 A M and was history shortly after the noon meal of Soup & Sandwiches. It was followed by a short presentation on making the bracelets.

Keith Schmidt our Intl.LLL President did an excellent job of presenting the many different programs of the League that are designed to help congregations in their outreach efforts. You may find the League’s website at www.LHM.org.

John Moeller ( Media and Young Adult ), told the attendees about Davenport’s “Mississippi Valley Youth And Young Adult Fair Booth venture.” This is a multi-church venture that wishes to identify and mentor the next generation of League and congregational leaders. Iowa Dist East LLL leaders are now asking all congregations in the district to help make 30,000 “salvation, or Jesus bracelets” like Iowa West brought to the Iowa State Fair last summer. If your congregation truly believes the phrase “Come Worship With Us” We could use your help in making some of these 30,000 bracelets and explain a program called “Prove His Grace” that can be used to fund the bracelet making and promoting of the LCMS in “Our half of Iowa”. Contact us at Terrajohn1@msn.com and just type LHM in the subject line.