Saturday, January 06, 2007

District President Arp's January Article

To the Saints of Iowa District East:

I hope you had a blessed celebration of our Savior's birth and that 2007 is off to a good start! The beginning of the new Calender Year is traditionally the time to make resolutions. A great resolution for every Christian, not only on New Year'’s Day, but every day of life is to live more fully as a redeemed child of God "“that others might see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."
In the Church Year the sixth of January is Epiphany. Epiphany is "“the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi."” The Epiphany season lasts until the beginning of the Lenten Season. The entire season of Epiphany focuses on the manifestation of Christ, not only to the Gentiles, but also to the people of Israel. The Gospel Reading for each Sunday in the Epiphany Season is a manifestation that Jesus is the Christ. The Gospel for the first Sunday in Epiphany reveals Jesus'’ divinity as He changes water into wine at the wedding in Cana. In the Gospel readings for the following Sundays Jesus tells worshippers in His home town that He is the fulfillment of the Old Testament Scripture performs miracles of healing, He calls the Twelve, and He preaches the "“Sermon on the Plain."” The Sunday before Ash Wednesday is Transfiguration Sunday - "“This My beloved Son with whom I am well pleased."
Jesus reveals Himself to be true God to confirm the faith of those of us who believe, but also for those who do not believe. God "“wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth."” But how can anyone be save if he does not hear the message? That, of course, where you and I come in. The Apostle Peter instructs us: "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect"” 1 Peter 3:15.

We also give a witness to the hope we have in Christ by supporting our District and Synodical mission projects. Because of the rising cost of construction in Lithuania we continue to receive offerings for the Palanga Project. We also expect that this spring you will have an opportunity to volunteer to go to Palanga Lithuania on a work crew. We will publish the details as soon as we have them.

The offerings you give to your congregation that are forwarded on to District go to support our two missionaries to the deaf, the hospital chaplaincy, the state penitentiary chaplaincy, POBLO, subsidy to Our Redeemer, Independence and our two campus ministries. Your offerings are the only source of support for these vital ministries in Iowa District East.

Over the past several years the giving pattern of God'Â’s people has changed. The giving toward the mission, it would appear, has actually increased. However, instead of giving nearly all of the offering to the local congregation and allowing the congregation to divide it between local and "“Synod,"” there is much more direct giving to favorite “mission projects. ” This is making it more and more difficult for Districts and Synod to meet expenses. In order to continue funding these ministries the District Board of Directors has found it necessary to decrease our commitment to Synod.

I commend you for your support of Iowa District East which has made it possible to support the ministries in our District. It is my prayer that our Lord will continue to make it possible to carry out the mission He has given to us.