Saturday, January 06, 2007

Cedar Falls

The van garage gets a face lift at Brammer Student Center, College Hill Lutheran Church in Cedar Falls. Yes, the faithful van will have a newly sided garage and new doors for itÂ’s home, thanks to volunteers from the church and a working grant from Black Hawk County Chapter of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Workers pictured are Keith Macomber, Bob Bolte, Kevin DeVries, and Scott Ackles. IDE

On December 4th a Christmas progressive dinner was enjoyed by the students at University of Northern Iowa who are active in the campus ministry student centers. Brammer Student Center, College Hill Lutheran Church in Cedar Falls, hosted the dessert stop. There were students from a number of student centers present and interim pastor, Reverend Thomas Wegener. Games and activities followed in the student lounge area of the church. IDE

College Hill Lutheran Church and Brammer Student Center was decorated for the Christmas season by the college students. This is an annual activity of the Lutheran Student Fellowship and is appreciated by the congregation members. From the altar area to the fellowship hall, the greens are hung and trees decorated. IDE