Wednesday, August 16, 2006


The Ladies of the IDE L WML met for the Biennial Convention July 7¬8,and chose to fund the following Mission Grants during 2006-2008 with their “Mighty Mites”:

- University Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, $5,000
- IDE Seminary Student Financial Aid, $6,000
- IDE Student Financial Aid, $9,000
- Food/Clothing Coop, Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne, Indiana, $10,000
-Alaska Mission for Christ, $5,000
-IO-DIS-E-CA, new family campground, $5,000
-Women's Leadership Training for the Kingdom in Kyrgyzstan, $10,000
-Scripture Literature Production for Lutheran Bible Translators, $7,569
-People of the Book-Lutheran Outreach, $5,000
-Seeds of Faith Outreach, $1,500-Vinton and Davenport Lutheran Homes, $8,000
-Tuition Assistance-Students at Christ Lutheran High School, Davenport, $7,931

Making a total of $80,000 to be funded in the next biennium.

These Grants give the L WML of IDE a chance to live up to the theme of the convention and really “Shine Like Stars” as they follow the commands of our Lord in reaching out to all the world with His Holy Word.

“We give thanks to You, 0 God, For Your wondrous works declare that Your Name is near” Ps.79:1. With God's gracious help, we will succeed in meeting this goal.