Tuesday, August 29, 2006

For Our IDE Sunday School Teachers

How Blessed are the Feet of Them that Bring Good News!

Dear Sunday School Teachers,

Most of us are only a few days away from Rally Day and the start of Sunday school. As you start to ramp up and make preparation for another year, the IDE Board for Congregational Services wanted to share this story with you. It came to me from one of the pastors in the district and it really highlights the fact that your labors as Sunday school teachers are not in vain. The Lord uses them for his glory and the good of others.

By the way, the little girl named Ella is three years old.

Rev. W. Max Mons, S.T.M.Chairman, IDE Board for Congregational Services

"I thought as her pastor and Sunday school teacher you guys might like to know that despite appearances to the contrary, it really is sinking in:We were heading home Saturday night after having dinner with friends - including Ella's best friend Luci. Ella was sad that she couldn't stay and play longer, and we told her that we needed to go home and rest, because tomorrow was Sunday and we had church. We reminded her that she would see her church friends and learn about Jesus. She sat for a minute, then said "Luci be at church?". I said no, Luci doesn't go to church. Thinking that Luci must go to church somewhere, she asked "Luci go to her church?" I said no, Luci doesn't go to church, not everyone goes to church. She sat for a few moments, and in a tearful voice, said "but how will Luci learn ‘bout Jesus?". She was so sad at the idea of her friend not learning about Jesus. It nearly broke my heart, her concern that her friend didn't know about something so important to her. It also made me so happy to know that the things we are trying to teach her are sinking in - you always wonder, but until you see it reflected in their behavior, you can't really tell. We explained that not everyone goes to church or knows about Jesus, but since she does she can tell Luci about Jesus. She seemed satisfied with that idea, but it was the first time she realized that not everyone knows about Jesus, and the concept was almost unfathomable.