Continuing Education Opportunity
Isaiah 56-66
Led By
Dr. Reed Lessing
Professor of Old Testament
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis
Hosted By: St. John Lutheran Church
Waverly, Iowa
When: June 17-19, 2013
(Beginning Monday at 1:00 pm,
through Wednesday at Noon.)
Cost: $100/participant.
(Does NOT include lodging or meals.)
Contact: Rev. Matt Versemann
Phone: (319)352-2314 or (319)352-1742
Lodging: Information upon request
Class Summary
Isaiah 56–66: Those who preach and teach from Isaiah soon discover that it is different from most books in the Bible. It is a long and winding road with many twists, turns, and about-faces. Even though textual blocks are linked vis-à-vis allusions, parallels, and citations, the prophet’s complexities and ambiguities often leave pastors confused and frustrated. And in Isaiah 56–66 this is even more so. This section of the book is at once familiar and unfamiliar. Some oracles are well known, such “Arise, shine your light has come” (Isaiah 60:1), but for the most part these chapters are an unknown section in a very bewildering book. Dr. Reed Lessing of Concordia Seminary, whose CPH commentary on Isaiah 56–66 will be published next year, plans lead us through the prophet’s last eleven chapters. He will also provide all participants a Lenten Sermon Series on Isaiah 56–66 titled, “Good and Perfect Gifts.”
Dr. Lessing’s Biography: Reed Lessing was born and raised in Denver, CO. His formal academic degrees include the B.A., M.Div., S.T.M. and Ph.D. Reed was ordained into the Office of the Holy Ministry on June 29, 1986 at Christ the Servant Lutheran Church, West Monroe, LA where he served as the church’s pastor until March of 1990. From March, 1990 to August, 1999 he was the pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church, Broken Arrow, OK. During that time he served the Oklahoma District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod as Secretary, Circuit Counselor, and Second Vice-President. Since 1999 Reed has been on the faculty of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO. He currently serves as Professor of Exegetical Theology and Director of the seminary’s Graduate School.