Thursday, March 01, 2012

IDE Mission Board

Our Life Together
Rev. Vic Young

Around 444 BC, Nehemiah was sent to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls. He found them in rubble and the people in distress. The governor summoned everyone to rebuild the walls. All went to work and wall sections began to rise.

When Nehemiah heard that enemies were planning to attack, he called the people to arms. Some stood guard while others worked. If an assault came, no matter which family or clan one belonged to, all were to rush to the aid of that section in peril. The Kingdom was spared and increased when living in life together

Christ’s Church is one body, with many members, united to one head, our Lord Jesus (1 Cor. 12). Iowa District East is 120 congregations. We have bound ourselves together in the common confession of the Faith. As recipients of God’s witness and mercy, each is summoned to give witness to Christ and perform acts of mercy to others. This makes up our life together, therefore we do this together.

Only in life together are we able, with God’s gifts, to pursue expansion of the Body of Christ inside and outside our communities. Together we train pastors and church workers. Together we send missionaries here at home and throughout the world.

People are roaming down the highway to hell. They need what we receive through the Gospel, Holy Baptism, Holy Absolution, and Holy Communion – rescue in and through our Lord Jesus Christ. We are in this together as mutual beneficiaries of God’s grace and mutual givers of His gifts to our fellow man.

The District is not a building, district president, or board of directors. It is not “them.” Iowa District East is “us,” all the LCMS congregations in eastern Iowa, together in one fellowship. In our life together, when one suffers, all suffer. When one rejoices, all rejoice. The members care for each other, such as, the help we are giving to our newest congregation, New Hope Lutheran Church in Charles City. In our life together we are being called to work together to support the birth of another mission congregation in North Liberty.

Being blessed by the triune God, Nehemiah and the people rebuilt the walls. Being blessed by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in our life together we will work to expand the walls of His Church through witness and mercy – but we will need your support.