OFFICIAL NOTICE of the Thirty-eighth Convention of Iowa District East of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod will be held June 29-30, 2012 at the Marriott Hotel and Convention Center, 1200 Collins Rd. NE, Cedar Rapids, IA.
Each voting parish
is entitled to have one pastoral delegate and one lay delegate. The delegates’ names (as well as alternates)
should be sent to the District Office and received by January 30, 2012. The
business of the Convention will include elections and actions on
overtures. The following offices will be
filled by the Convention:
President (3-year term)
Circuit Counselors (3-year term)
Circuit Counselors (3-year term)
First Vice-President (3-year term)
Secretary (3-year term)
Secretary (3-year term)
Second Vice President (3-year term)
Treasurer (3-year term)
Treasurer (3-year term)
of Directors
- One commissioned (6-year term)
- One commissioned (6-year term)
- One layman (6-year term)
Board of Constitution Review
- One ordained (6-year term)
- One ordained (6-year term)
District Board of Nominations
- Two ordained (3-year term)
- Two laymen (3-year term)
- One commissioned (3-year
- One lay
Each congregation may nominate individuals
for these various positions. Nominations
for the President and Vice-Presidents should be returned to Rev. Mark Brase by
email or mail; all other nominations are to be returned to the District Office to as soon as possible but no later than January 30, 2012. Nomination
forms have been supplied to the congregations for Circuit Counselors and Lay Delegates.
These forms and other pertinent information may also be found on the District
Rev. Mark H. Brase
Secretary, Iowa District East – LCMS