Friday, October 29, 2010

St. Paul's Lutheran Chaple in Iowa City

“Binging” on Fun and Fellowship

By the time you read this, the “21-Only” debate in Iowa City will have been decided once again by the voters. For those of you unfamiliar with this issue, it centers on keeping college students under the legal drinking age out of bars. In the midst of a campus culture which focuses on partying, binge drinking, and all the sins which accompany this lifestyle, St. Paul’s Lutheran Chapel and University Center strives to offer a Christian environment for the students, enabling them to “binge” on safe, healthy, and fun activities in addition to the worship and Bible study times. These social events invite laughter, joy, and fellowship; a definite contrast to the usual secular weekend college agenda.

St. Paul’s student leadership team is comprised of undergraduates who meet to develop outreach events which are fun and positive alternatives to the campus environment. Two new events took center stage this fall: “Meat Night For the Guys” and “Ladies Afternoon High Tea.”

Sometimes, the guys just want to be guys, and Meat Night fits the description. Goofy things like vegetables were not allowed. There were no such things as tablecloths or fancy centerpieces. There was steak, baked potatoes, and pie. And of course, there was foosball. The chapel men did learn that they do need the ladies once in a while…if for no other reason than to point out where the steak knives are kept.

Unlike what was viewed as the rather barbarian event held by the guys, the ladies put on their finery for a high tea that would rival anything hosted across the pond. Fancy tablecloths, the church’s best dishes, and a borrowed silver tea service gave the chapel basement an unusually refined air. Finger sandwiches, cakes, cookies, and treats of all kinds were enjoyed. The only real issue was whether or not you are supposed to “keep your pinky finger out” when sipping your tea. Of course, the ladies also had to prank the guys’ Meat Night by hiding their baked potatoes.

College students need a peer group and social activities. The world is ready to offer one which includes underage drinking and a host of sinful choices. In the midst of an increasingly secular and amoral environment, St. Paul’s stands against the popular culture and reaches out to students with a Christian alternative. Lutheran campus ministry is blessed to be able to offer a positive social influence set in the midst of Word and Sacrament ministry.