Tuesday, August 03, 2010

News from Palanga, Lithuania

On June 27th the Lutheran congregations in Palanga and Kretinga, Lithuania held a joint worship service to celebrate the rite of confirmation. Eleven young people renewed the vows spoken in their behalf by their sponsors when they were baptized into Christ. Among the confirmands were Auguste and Ieva, twin daughters of Pastor and Inga Petkunas.

The Palanga and Kretinga parishes put a heavy emphasis on ministry to the youth. The Lithuania public school system allows the Lutheran, Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches to give Christian instruction during the school day. Mrs. Petkunas is a public school teacher. She teaches English and the religion classes for the Lutherans. In addition the youth of the parishes receive instruction in the Christian faith on Saturdays.

In the group picture Ieva and Auguste are the two young ladies on the right side in the front row. These pictures were taken in the church at Kretinga.

Since 2005 we in IDE have been involved in a project to build a worship and diaconal facility in Palanga. We need only $48,000 to complete the facility so that the congregation can begin using it. If you would like to help, contact the IDE office - 319-373-2112 or email either Dr. Dean Rothchild at deanrothchild@lcmside.org or Dr. Gary Arp at garyarp@me.com