Sunday, May 16, 2010

May 2010 IDE LCMS Convention Delegate Orientation

Delegates and One Alternate
The Methodical Rev. Gary Sears
IDE's Convention Representatives, Give or Take a Few
The Experienced Rev. Arp and the Optimistic Rev. Saunders.
The Reassuring Presence of Sherry Brendes.
The District President of IDE.

On May 15, many of the IDE delegates to the upcoming LCMS Convention in Houston met at the District Office in Marion for orientation. With presentations from District President Saunders, former District President Arp, Business Manager Sherry Brendes, and Rev. Gary Sears, the delegates learned most of the details they needed to know about attending and surviving a synodical convention.

Rev. Saunders spoke to the convention experience, encouraging the delegates to trust in the Lord, vote their conscience, and represent IDE in Christian love.

Rev. Arp shared with the delegates his experience with the five different men who will be on the ballot for Synodical President in July.

Sherry Brendes reassured the delegates concerning financial and travel arrangements.

Rev. Sears spoke with authority on the single most important topic coming to the Convention floor: the proposed new synodical constitution.

The LCMS meets in convention once every 3 years, though that could change to once every 4 years with the proposed constitutional changes.