Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Faith Lutheran Church in Waterloo

In a culture that grows increasingly hostile to the idea that every human soul has value, it is imperative that the church makes God’s position clear.

This October, The Blackhawk County chapter of Lutherans for Life joined forces with Faith Lutheran Church, Waterloo, to take a stand for the sanctity of human life. The annual Life Memorial Service was held at Faith on October 4th. This service is held each year to remember the tens of millions of lives exterminated by abortion since the landmark Roe v. Wade decision which legalized abortion in the United States. Prayers to end abortion, to heal those living with guilt over abortion, and for a godly view of the sanctity of life in our nation were offered.

To augment the witness against abortion, these crosses were placed in the yard outside of the church. The high visibility of these crosses at the corner of W. 4th St. and W. Ridgeway Ave., made an impact on many passing by over the course of the several weeks they remained planted. Accompanying the crosses were a sign that explained their purpose, and a sign proclaiming that Jesus Christ can forgive every sin, and heal broken lives.

We hope you will join us in our fervent prayer that laws, world-views, and most importantly hearts that are ambivalent to life will be changed by the One who grants forgiveness, salvation and eternal life. We hope that many of you will join us next year.