Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Rev. Brian Saunders, President of the IDE

President’s Piece for Peace

In the last edition of the IDE Today I shared with you the introductions I have had with the fine and faithful family of laymen and pastor’s in this blessed district. I thought I would use this edition to introduce you to my family.

Karen is my beloved wife of 32 years. She is very gifted with children and substitute teaches in the Cedar Rapids school system. Together we have been blessed with four children. Jill is our first and the wife of Jon Baumgartel. She is a teacher by training and is currently raising four of our five grandchildren. Jon and Jill have two sons; Caleb, Micah, Faith, and Ava. Our son B.J. is married to his wife Julie and they have one daughter by the name of Elle. B.J. is a Dr. of Physical Therapy in Terra Haut, Indiana where he is employed by the National Health Service. Leah is our third and she is a senior at the University of Northern Iowa. Her major is secondary education with an emphasis in European History. Our last and most busy is Michaela who is a sophomore at Kennedy High School in Cedar Rapids. Volleyball and track are her interests.

Karen and I have been dearly blessed by our Lord with a loving and faithful family. For this we are most grateful. Yet, the greatest gift given to our family is that we have been made members of the Family of God through the waters of Holy Baptism. At the font of regeneration the Lord of Life makes each recipient alive in Him. The Waters of Life bring not only my family but yours as well into a greater and most joyous relationship with Christ and with one another. In Luther’s Small Catechism we read: “What do the words ‘baptize in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost’ mean”? The explanation is golden: “They mean that by Baptism I have been received into communion with the Triune God, and was made partaker of all His blessings”

When Christ therefore says that we are to be baptized “into” or “unto” the name of the triune God, He means to say that by Baptism we enter into a very definite relationship and close communion with God, who here offers and assures to us the riches of His blessings. God the Father becomes our dear Father in heaven, God the Son becomes our Savior, God the Holy Ghost becomes our Comforter; and we, receiving these blessings in faith, become God’s dear children, Christ’s disciples, and temples of the Holy Ghost. (Edward W.A. Koehler)

My family rejoices with yours for the mere reason we are family in the House of God. It is good for us to celebrate, each year, our baptismal birthdays and while doing that give thanks to our Lord for the entire Family of Faith of which He has made us members.

Brian Saunders, President IDE.