Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Parish Nurse

Parish Nurse’s Corner
Mercy Medical Mission to Madagascar
with LCMS World Relief and Human Care

Interested? Yes, I was!

Earlier this spring, I responded to LCMS World Relief and Human Care's plea for volunteers. Volunteers were needed for their upcoming Mercy Medical Team trips to Madagascar on Oct. 21st – Nov. 1st, and to Kenya, Nov. 14th-25th.

I have been told that I will be part of a group of 21 volunteers that will be going into a Lutheran Hospital in Madagascar to provide free surgeries and medical care. The medical team will be led and accompanied by 2 experienced staff members of LCMS World Relief and Human Care. The trip will include an introductory clinical orientation and team-building session at the beginning before we begin our work. Following orientation, we will set up clinics for the care of the extremely underserved poor in this country.

Volunteers are required to cover the cost of the trip which includes air travel from a designated central airport and a flat fee for ground transportation, lodging and medical supplies for the needy. I’ve been blessed that my brother and his wife have graciously volunteered to provide my international airfare. Now I’m getting excited and will be busy completing the required medical physical examination, necessary immunizations, getting a passport in order, and collecting donations for medical supplies.

Please pray for this mission project’s success and my opportunity to serve in this life-changing experience, and putting my faith into action and witnessing the mercy of Christ.

The LCMS World Relief and Human Care organization still need a variety of medical specialties and hard working laity. For more information contact or No matter what your clinical specialty; whether you are retired or currently working, LCMS World Relief and Human Care can put you to work. PLEASE CONSIDER THE OPPORTUNITY.

Your Sister in Christ, Helene Kuempel
Parish Nurse
Trinity Lutheran Church and St. Paul Lutheran Church, McGregor