Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Parish Nurse News

Concordia Conference for Parish Nurse
and Congregational Health Ministries
May 2009

The LCMS parish nurse district representatives met at Concordia University, Mequon, WI, May 26 & 27. The theme was “Celebrating the Journey”. There were 20 of the 35 district reps in attendance as well as our sister parish nurse from Christmas Lutheran in Bethlehem, Palestine. Carol Lueders Bolwerk RN, PhD, CUW Director, Parish Nurse and Congregational Ministries is a wonderful hostess each year for this event, the Mequon campus is lovely at this time of the year! Dr. Marcia Schnorr continues to be the parish nurse coordinator and Maggie Karner is the LCMS Director of Life and Health Ministries. Each year relationships grow between many of the district representatives, joys and frustrations are shared, ideas and encouragement are given, and “pool therapy” is a great wrap up to each day.

The 17th Annual Concordia Conference for Parish Nurse and Congregational Health Ministries was held following our district rep meeting. “Saved by Grace, Freed to Serve” was the title of this two and a half day conference. Nearly 100 parish nurses from many states attended. We heard excellent keynote speakers- Rev. Dr. Daniel Paavola, “Who’s Watching Me?” and Dr. Bill Duey, “Fit-2-Serve- Strengths Based Approach to Health Ministry”. The keynotes were followed by many excellent breakout sessions. A few that I attended were: “Freed of Stress, Freed to Serve” by Steve Gruenwald; “Help for the Sandwich Generation” by Sue Salach-Cutler, “Eight Habits of Effective Parish Nurses” by Linda Arnold and “Beyond the Yellow Ribbon” by Rev. David Sorensen.

My function as district rep is to promote, support and educate others about parish nursing and health ministries. As the Iowa District East rep I have identified 9 parish nurses in our district. I appreciate the support given from the synod, district and my congregation for me to be able to attend this conference. Please contact me if I can assist you in learning more about health ministries and parish nursing.

Ronda Anderson RN Parish Nurse,
Bethany Lutheran Church
LCMS Iowa District East, Parish Nurse District Representative
2202 Forest Drive SE Cedar Rapids, IA 52403
319-364-6026 ext 205