Saturday, April 18, 2009

College Hill Lutheran Church

On Friday and Saturday nights, February 20 and 21 the airwaves at College Hill Lutheran Church and Brammer Student Center were taken over by TV station CHLC Channel 3. Emcees for the evening presented a regular “Ed Sullivan “show as act after act entertained the audience and filled the room with laughter.

Yes, it was the annual Lutheran Student Fellowship Dinner Theater raising money for the student servant event trip to Houston, TX to work on cleanup from Hurricane Ike. Cooking and serving a great meal of salad, BBQ beef, mashed potatoes and gravy and green beans with fruit cup the students showed a skill and training. After the meal the TV broadcast began with humor and cleverness that had the crowd laughing and clapping. Intermission found the same actors and emcees serving brownies and ice cream to the guests. Second Act was a “get involved” rather like “Dancing with the Stars” but with lots jazzier music for the crowd to dance. And dance they did. Whether dancing or watching it was great fun. The students even created a video to share with the audience. Such creativity and talent was fun to experience.

Congregation and friends look forward each year to the dinner theater and are so pleased that the students create this project for financing their servant event travel. A special thanks to Black Hawk County Thrivent Financial for Lutherans for assisting with expenses.

Keep alert for news of the Trip to Houston.