Thursday, October 09, 2008

College Hills Lutheran Church in College Hills

Lutheran Student Fellowship and College Hill Lutheran Church members hosted the Black Hawk County Thrivent Financial for Lutherans annual dinner meeting. Sunday, September 28th, at 1 o’clock the students from Brammer Student Center in Cedar Falls were hosts and hostesses serving the two hundred Thrivent members as they enjoyed the sit-down dinner prepared by congregation members. The ham, turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, fruit cup, pie and ice cream with all the accompanying condiments traveled from the kitchen to the tables with speed and precision. Thrivent members enjoyed their food and fellowship. Attendance gifts provided by the Thrivent Chapter added to the fun. Oh, yes, the cleanup is something else, lots of dishes to do; but it seems a small effort to return a favor for the support that Thrivent provides for campus ministry. Whether it’s the matching funds grant for the dinner theater to fund the servant event during spring break or the home office support through the Giving Plus program, the support is greatly appreciated. Hosting this meal is one way to say “Thanks”.