Wednesday, November 28, 2007



AT THE 65 th.


Rev. Terry Dittmer will be the main speaker at the 65th Annual International Lutheran Layman’s League Iowa District East Convention. It will be at Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca On April 19, 2008. Rev. Dittmer is the Director of the Department Of Youth Ministry and is also responsible for administering Lutheran Youth Fellowship for our Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. Terry is also a published author, and he is the composer of many songs and hymns written for our Synodical Youth Gatherings.

The Lutheran Laymen’s League is concerned about identifying, mentoring, and training the future leaders of our LCMS congregations and our League. We would ask all leaders, and Pastors to encourage participation in this event which is designed to serve “all” of Iowa District East in ways that only the Holy Spirit understands at this moment in time.

The stated goal of our Lutheran Laymen’s League when it was formed in 1918 was, to help our LCMS pastors and congregations, welcome others to come and worship with us. It is to this goal that we ask you to help us pass on the up-coming information that will lead to this convention. Please stress the thought of, “sending some of your flock to be in attendance.” We will now have an LCMS Youth and Young Adult Leader from St. Louis to help us understand how to, revitalize our League and keep the LCMS young folks loses to a minimum, by encouraging the young to stay involved by serving there congregations and their congregational peers.

As a parent and grandparent we see our children drift away from steady Sunday attendance, as they begin to enter adult life after their conformation vows. Yes, they do return, however we would like to fill their lost years with mentoring and guidance without extreme judgments. We are hoping this speaker can help our congregations as well as the League to build lasting Christian relationships for our future leaders.